
We’re learning a new way of life from Jesus. One of the things that we’re learning is how to pray. But what is prayer? And why should I do it? Lastly, how should I pray? We’re going to be talking about these questions throughout this series.

The Lord’s Prayer is both a prayer to pray and a model for prayer. That means we can and should pray this exact prayer, and it also means that our prayers should reflect the elements of this prayer.

A wise person once said, “Prayer should be 50/50. Half of our time in prayer should be focused on God while the other half should be focused on our needs.”

Following that same pattern, the first two sermons of this series are God-focused: You Are God and Your Will Be Done. The following two sermons are human-focused: Here’s What We Need and Help Us. We are going to walk through the Lord’s Prayer in a systematic way. The first week, we will be talking about the opening of prayer: Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name. The second week we will talk about the next part of the prayer: Your Kingdom come; Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. The third week, our focus will shift to our needs: Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we have forgiven those who have trespassed against us. The final week will conclude the end of the prayer: lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one.

There are two goals for this series: (1) make clear the appropriate model for all our prayers and (2), encourage people to start practicing prayer, developing a habit of prayer which becomes a regular part of their daily lives.

Sermon Schedule

October 23:                                     You Are God (Matthew 6:9)

October 30:                                     Your Will Be Done (Matthew 6:10)

November 6:                                  Here’s What We Need (Matthew 6:11-12)

November 13:                                Help Us (Matthew 6:13)