September 4, 2022

Working For The Weekend

Working For The Weekend

“Everybody’s Working For The Weekend.” You know at some point, I bet most of us have felt that way a time or two. There’s something about that song that seems right. And what seems right is that a break from work is good for us. And God wants us to take a break from work from time to time. But you know, there’s also something about that song that seems wrong. And what seems wrong is that that song seems to paint a picture that work is bad, which is why the singer says, “we’re only really working for the weekend.”

We’re gonna talk about three things in this message. To understand work, we must look to God. Our vision is really important which is why we need to start there. How we think about God influences how we think about other things. And after we do that, we’re gonna be in a better in a position to ask the question… Is work good or bad? And then lastly, we’re going to talk about the difference between an Occupation and a Vocation? So join us for this exciting message about Work!