What brokenness stops you from bringing yourself to Jesus?

Dec 8, 2024    Ryan Clift

In this message, we're invited to explore the profound connection between our brokenness and God's love. The story of the shepherds in Luke 2 takes center stage, revealing how God chooses the lowliest and most broken among us to witness His glory. We're reminded that just as the shepherds were invited into the presence of the newborn King, we too are welcomed despite our flaws and failures. The message challenges us to confront our tendency to hide our brokenness, much like Adam and Eve in the garden. Instead, we're encouraged to bring our broken selves before God, understanding that Christ himself was broken for us. This beautiful paradox – that our broken King welcomes broken people – offers hope and healing for our deepest wounds. As we journey through this Advent season, let's reflect on how our own brokenness can draw us closer to the One who came to make us whole.