Love Life

Love Life

In the beginning, God... The opening pages of the bible tell us that God is the foundation of all there is. He is the author of life, and all things depend upon him for their existence. Life is a beautiful gift that God has given to us. Christians are right to defend and protect life, supporting it from its earliest moments to its final moments in this lifetime. Join us today as we learn about a local mission that is focused on loving life from conception.

A Righteous View

A Righteous View

We're at the end of our journey, following the trail of righteousness through the book of Romans. We've talked about it in terms of climbing Mt. Everest. The view from Mt. Everest is described as "being on top of the world." Everyone has a view of the world and that view determines what each of do in our daily lives. As Christians, we're encouraged to be transformed in the renewing of our minds. In other words, we need a new worldview! Join us today as we talk about being transformed by the renewing of our minds.

A Righteous Life Works

A Righteous Life Works

Righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ. The work of being made righteous has been finished on the cross, but that doesn't mean there's no more work to be done. Why do some Christians grow to become more like Jesus while others do not? In the book of Romans, we read that Christians must put to death the misdeeds of the body. Join us this morning as we talk about one thing we can do to become more like Jesus! 

Be an Instrument of Righteousness

Be an Instrument of Righteousness

We're halfway through our series, following the trail of righteousness through the book of Romans. We've discovered a lot; most importantly, that righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe, and now it's time to make a transition, focusing on the question of "So what?!" What should we do in response to this good news? We should Be an Instrument of Righteousness!

Righteousness is for Everyone!

Righteousness is for Everyone!

We're continuing our series through the book of Romans which says that righteousness is given through faith in Jesus to all who believe! The gospel message is both exclusive and inclusive. There is only one way to righteousness, but this way is for everyone. Join us for an exciting message as we dig deep into the word of God.

Where Does Righteousness Come From?

Where Does Righteousness Come From?

We're continuing our series through the book of Romans! For this series, we're following the theme of righteousness and right away the bible tells us something important: Righteousness comes through faith in Jesus Christ! Join us to find out what this means for your life today.

No One Is Righteous

No One Is Righteous

We're continuing our series through the book of Romans! For this series, we're following the theme of righteousness and right away the bible tells us something important: No one is righteous. Join us to find out what this means for your life today.

The Righteousness of God

The Righteousness of God

Today we're beginning our series through the book of Romans! The book of Romans has been described as the Mount Everest of the New Testament. You know Mount Everest has over 20 different climbing routes, and the book of Romans has a lot that we can explore. For this series, we're following one climbing route through the book of Romans: Righteousness. We're beginning with the Righteousness of God!

Euthanasia, Is It Okay?

Euthanasia, Is It Okay?

In a recent study published in Christianity Today magazine, nearly 40% of persons who go to church weekly believe that it's okay to murder someone to relieve that person from intense pain and suffering. Euthanasia is becoming a socially acceptable option, but is it okay? Does the bible have anything to say about this? Join us as we find answers to these question in the bible!